Posts Tagged ‘get white teeth’

Hydrogen Peroxide Teeth Whitening

October 27, 2009

hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening guyNo matter what teeth whitening option you choose, hydrogen peroxide is the main teeth whitening ingredient used. Your dentist uses it, home whitening kits have it and even do it yourself whitening includes a blend of hydrogen peroxide, salt, baking soda and mint (for flavor). The only main differences in these options is the cost an the concentration of hydrogen peroxide used. There are certain precautions that you must be aware of before using any hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening product whether you buy it over the counter or you mix it yourself. Hydrogen peroxide should not be used on teeth that are grey or that are sensitive. You should also be careful not to swallow hydrogen peroxide. If you accidentally ingest hydrogen peroxide, call poison control immediately or 911.

Your dentist has teeth whitening methods, but not everyone can afford to have that done, so they turn to over the counter and do it yourself teeth whitening. If you want to mix together your own hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening paste, simply add hydrogen peroxide (whitening agent), baking soda (abrasive for removing plaque), and mint or mint toothpaste (for better flavor). You want th mixtire to be a thick paste like toothpaste. Make sure you buy the 3% hydrogen peroxide for this use. You can also mix a 1 part solution of water and 2 part of hydrogen peroxide and use it as an antiseptic mouthwash. Just be careful not to swallow any.

You can save a whole lot of money by blending your own teeth whitening paste from hydrogen peroxide. If you do not feel comfortable with blending your own, there are some great over the counter products that use the correct blend of ingredients to help whiten your teeth. You can choose standard type products or organic all natural products for your hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening system. Most dentists carry professional teeth whitening products you can use at home, but they can cost more than over the counter and certainly more than if you make it yourself. Since the cost of such products can cost up to $400, mixing it yourself seems like the most cost effective solution to hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening.